Malware Protection

We've all heard the term "malware", but many of us may not know what it truly is in all its forms or how it can impact our lives.

What is malware?

Malware is malicious software whose sole intent is to damage or disable computers and computer systems. It typically vandalizes PCs or corrupts files, all while appearing to be legitimate software. It may target private information that can be used to compromise your personal information, such as a keylogger that monitors your every keystroke in an effort to steal credit card information or passwords.

How does malware get on my computer?

It’s hard to hear, but malware usually ends up on your PC because you unknowingly installed it yourself. Malware works like most scams that trick their victims, and sometimes all you have to do is make one wrong click, so vigilance is key to remaining safe.

Malware can sometimes be packaged in with more legitimate software. A download and installation can also be triggered by interacting with a phony error message.

Downloading free software from a untrusted source or a peer-to-peer network can also sometimes result in malware being installed onto your PC.

Secure your computer

The software on your PC may contain exploits or security holes that make it easy to infect with malware. Install any operating system updates as these often include security patches to protect yourself while online.

Always ensure your anti-virus software is running and be sure to update the virus definition files regularly. Having up-to-date protection software on your PC is the first line of defense from malware.

Be skeptical

While many browsers have reduced the annoyance of pop-up windows, they still exist. Anytime you see one, you should be on your guard and avoid clicking on anything within the window.

Never click on any pop-ups or notifications that imitate a Windows or Mac error message when you try to navigate out of a particular webpage. Force quit the browser if necessary and if you are concerned that something began installing itself on your computer, immediately run a scan with your antivirus software.

Do not open any attachments unless you were expecting them from a trusted source.

Live SPAM free

While SPAM is usually more annoying than it is harmful, it still can be a vector for malware.

If you receive SPAM in your inbox, be sure to mark it as SPAM so your email client knows how to handle those messages in the future. Be careful of selecting the "unsubscribe" link to stop messages from a particular sender, as these links have been known to be yet another vector for malware attacks. It’s better to let your email client software handle the blocking and removal of these messages.

Install any new software with extreme caution

If you are downloading and installing software from a trusted source, such as iTunes or Spotify, then you should be safe so long as you are downloading directly from the software publisher’s page. If you are downloading from a source you do not trust 100%, then Google the name of the product and find a direct link from the software distributor.

If you are uncertain about downloading something, contact the IT Service Desk for guidance.

Installing software on your computer is like welcoming a guest into your house. If you do not trust them implicitly, then proceed with extreme caution.

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