Using myAudit

1. Log in to myHill and click myAudit under the Classes & Registration heading.


2. Then click on the myAudit button under Degree Works:

Worksheets Tab

The Worksheets Tab displays your current major, class year and GPA.  If you scroll down you can see your progress toward your degree.  A green check means you have completed that course, a blue wavy line means you are currently taking that course, and a red box means you have not completed that course.


What If

If you are interested in changing your major, go to the What If tab on the left side to see what you would need to do to graduate.

Select the majors and minors which you wish to change, and click the Process What-If button. MyAudit will display which courses you have completed for the desired course of study, and which courses you need to take.


GPA Calc Tab

The GPA Calculation tab allows you to see what GPA you might have at graduation, at the end of the semester.  You can even view what grades you would need to achieve in future coursework in order to attain a desired GPA. All fields must be filled in order to complete the calculation.



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Tue 6/13/17 3:34 PM
Thu 3/14/24 11:44 AM