Connect to Pulse VPN and Disconnect on Windows


Once you have completed the Pulse VPN Client Setup on Windows, follow these steps to connect to and disconnect from VPN.


Once you have completed the Pulse VPN Client Setup on Windows, follow these steps to connect to and disconnect from VPN.

  1. To Connect to VPN please navigate to the System Tray (you may have to click the up arrow icon) and click the Pulse Secure Client icon. 
    Windows System Tray with the up arrow icon selected and the Pulse Secure Client icon selected.
  2. Navigate to SA ( and then click Connect
    Pulse secure icon menu with SA ( highlights and Connect selected.
  3. You will be prompted to log in and authenticate via multi-factor. Enter your full Stonehill email address for the username. 
    Pulse secure authentication screen.
  4. You are now connected to VPN. 
    Windows System Tray with the up arrow icon selected and the Pulse Secure Client icon selected and Pulse Secure: Connected message displayed.
  5. To disconnect from VPN, click on the Pulse Secure Client in your System Tray. Navigate to SA ( and click Disconnect. 
    Pulse secure icon menu with SA ( highlights and Disconnect selected.

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Article ID: 138637
Wed 10/13/21 10:54 AM
Wed 12/4/24 12:52 PM