Support Procedures for Printers


What to do and how to do it when a technical issue occurs with a networked printer.


Flo-Tech provides service and supplies for networked laser printers and multi-function devices (MFD).  This document outlines support options available for printer issues based on the type of problem.

Problems with the printer itself

In the event that a technical problem arises with a networked printer or MFD,  such as repeated jamming, a broken part, or other physical problems not related to its network connectivity, a service request should be placed with Flo-Tech.   Look for the Flo-Tech sticker on the front of the device (shown below) and note the 7-digit device number listed below the barcode.

Any faculty or staff member can call the 1-800-213-1112 customer service line and a technician will be sent to repair the printer. Department contacts with access to the portal may login to request service.  The 7-digit device number will be needed for either method.

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Problems with a printer's internet connection or scan-to-email functionality

If a networked printer's screen says that it is offline, or otherwise presents an error when attempting to scan-to-email, notify the IT Service Desk at 508-565-1111 or

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Printers needing toner cartridges or other consumables

Flo-Tech should proactively mail supplies before the device requires them. If a networked printer indicates the need for a new toner cartridge, fuser, or other consumable, submit a request to Flo-Tech using the same process identified for a service request above. Note that the supplies will be addressed to the departmental contact for the identified device.

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Department contacts for networked printers and MFDs

Each networked printer and MFD from Flo-tech on campus has an assigned department contact who will receive toner and consumables and may have access to manage  requests via the Flo-Tech support portal.  Department contacts that would like to have access to the portal should contact the IT Service Desk at 508-565-1111 or

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Article ID: 141952
Mon 3/7/22 3:29 PM
Wed 12/4/24 12:57 PM