Adding a Syllabus in Canvas


Steps to creating a version for Canvas or uploading your file to a dedicated place in Canvas for students to access.


Below are the steps to creating a version for Canvas or uploading your file to a dedicated place in Canvas for students to access. 

Create a Syllabus in Canvas

Canvas has a built-in Syllabus tool where you can include pertinent course information using the Rich Text Editor. This method ensures the content is accessible and viewable on mobile devices.

Note: If the Syllabus link has an eye with a line through it next to it, that means it is not visible to students.  To make it visible:

  1. Click Settings in the Course Navigation menu on the left.
  2. Click Navigation from the tabs along the top.
  3. Find Syllabus in the list of disabled items and Drag and Drop it into the list at the top of the page in your preferred order.
  4. Click Save.

Once the Syllabus link is enabled:

  1. Click Syllabus in the Course Navigation menu on the left.
  2. Click Edit on the upper right of the page. You can enter/paste text, upload files, and include links to external resources in the text editor.
  3. Type or copy & paste basic course information, for example:
    • Brief course description.
    • Office hours
    • Location
    • Contact information
    • Directions for students about navigating the course site (i.e. where to find readings, assignments, and other resources.
    • Images
  4. The Show Course Summary box is checked by default.  When enabled, the syllabus page will show a summary of all Assignments and any associated due dates, as well as any Calendar Events.
  5. Click the Update Syllabus button.

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Upload a Syllabus File

Decide where you want your syllabus to display.  Files can be added directly to a Module or to a Page with the Rich Content Editor.  We recommend PDF for the file format.

If adding a file to a Page:

  1. Access the Page and click Edit in the top-right.
  2. To upload a file, click the Documents button.  Browse to your file and click Submit.
  3. You can also use the Office 365 button to browse your cloud files.  Put a check next to your desired file and click Attach File.
  4. Click the Save button at the bottom.

If adding a file to a Module:

  1. Find your desired module in the modules list.  Click the + button to the right of the module name.  Note: if no modules exist, use the +Module button to create one.
  2. Choose File from the drop-down menu.
  3. Choose Create Files if you don't already have the file uploaded to your course.  
  4. Click Choose Files to browse for your desired file.  
  5. Click Add Item.

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Link to Simple Syllabus

The Simple Syllabus link may already be visible in your course navigation.  If so, you can use that to access and edit your Simple Syllabus.  If the link is not currently visible:

  1. Click Settings in the Course Navigation menu.
  2. Click Navigation from the tabs along the top.
  3. Find Simple Syllabus in the list of items and Drag and Drop it into the list at the top of the page in the order you prefer.
  4. Click Save.

Note: using the Canvas Student view to try to view your Simple Syllabus will generate an error.  The student view is good for testing native Canvas tools and settings but breaks down when trying to access 3rd party tools and apps.

Also, if you are merging your sections in Canvas, you need to change the setting at the top of your Syllabus from My Students to Campus Community in order for the students in the moved sections to be able to access the syllabus.
Screenshot of the permission setting on a syllabus showing the campus community setting enabled.

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Article ID: 147641
Mon 11/7/22 10:40 AM
Tue 12/10/24 9:15 AM