Course Modules in Canvas


Modules organize course content by week, unit, or other organizational structure that suits a course. They create a path for students to follow. Each module can contain pages, files, discussions, assignments, quizzes, and other learning materials.


Modules organize course content by week, unit, or other organizational structure that suits a course. They create a path for students to follow. Each module can contain pages, files, discussions, assignments, quizzes, and other learning materials.

The Modules Index Page

  1. In Course Navigation, click the Modules link.
  2. Course content items are nested within each module.
  3. Users can Collapse/Expand all modules.
  4. Instructors can use the View Progress button to see what modules their students have accessed.

Note: The Modules Index Page supports keyboard shortcuts. To view a window with a list of keyboard navigation shortcuts, press the Shift+Question Mark keys simultaneously on your keyboard.

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Add a Module

  1. Select your course.
  2. Select the Modules link in the Course Navigation menu.
  3. Click the +Module button to create a new module.
  4. Enter the name of the new module in the Module Name field.
    • Select Lock Until checkbox to prevent students from accessing the module before a given date.
  5. If you have added at least one other module to your course, you can require a prerequisite module.
    • A prerequisite module means students must complete the added modules before they can view the new module.
    • Click Add prerequisite, requiring students to complete another module before beginning the new one.
  6. Requirements can be used if you want to control how a module will be marked as complete, such as submitting an assignment or scoring a certain number on an item.  You can also require moving through the module in sequential order.  Click Add requirement to add your desired requirements.
  7. Click the Add Module button.

To add items to your module, click the Add icon or drag and drop to add files to an empty module.

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Add Module Items

You can create Canvas pages, assignments, quizzes, and discussions directly from Modules.

  1. Click on the “+” sign in the top-right corner of the module where you would like the item to appear.
  2. In the Add Item to... window, from the drop-down menu, select the item you would like to add from the Add drop-down menu.
    • Assignment, Quiz, Files, Page, Discussion, Text Header, External URL, or an External Tool.
  3. Do the following based on the new items you are creating:
    • Select the Assignment you want to associate with this module or add an Assignment by selecting "Create Assignment."
    • Select the Quiz you want to associate with this module or add a new one by selecting "Create Quiz."
    • Select the File(s) you want to associate with this module or add Files(s) by selecting "Create File(s)."
    • Select the Page you want to associate with this module or add a new Page by selecting "Create Page."
    • Select the Discussion Topic you want to associate with this module or add a topic by selecting "Create Topic."
    • Add a Text Header by typing in the text you'd like to add as a module sub-header. 
    • Add an External URL by entering a URL and page name to add a link to any website URL. Then, place a check in the Load in a new tab checkbox. 
    • Add an External Tool by selecting a tool from the list that displays.
  4. Click the Add Item button.

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Publish and Unpublish a Module

On the Index page, you can view the state of each module and module item.  Published items are visible to students, unpublished items are not.

  • Green check mark icons indicate the module/content is published.
  • Gray circle icons indicate the module/content is unpublished/

You can change the status of a module by toggling the published or unpublished icons.

Publish a Module

  1. Click the module's unpublished icon.
  2. The hover text will confirm you want to publish the module.

Note: Publishing a module will automatically publish any unpublished content items within the module.

Unpublish a Module

  1.  Hover over the published icon.
  2. The hover text will confirm you want to unpublish the module.
  3. Click the icon to confirm.

Note: Please be aware that an unpublished module overrides the state of individual module items.

  • If an item is published within an unpublished module, students cannot view the item on the Modules page, but they can still view the published items in other areas of Canvas.
  • However, they will not be able to interact with the item until the module is published.
  • You cannot unpublish content that has student submissions

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Move a Module

You can use the drag-and-drop option to reorder modules.

  1. Click the drag handle next to the module name.
  2. Drop the module in the desired location by releasing the mouse.

You can also use the Move To option to reorder modules.

  1. Click the Options icon (three dots) in the top-right corner of the Module.
  2. Select the Move Module... link from the menu.
  3. In the Move Module sidebar, click the Place drop-down menu.
  4. Select the placement of the module you are moving.
    1. You can move the module, so it is listed first, before a specific module, after a specific module, or as the last module on the page.
  5. If you selected the Before or After option, click the second drop-down menu.
    1. Select the module that should be before or after your module, as indicated by the option selected in the previous menu.
  6. Click the Move button.

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Delete a Module

  1. In Course Navigation, click the Modules link.
  2. Click the Options icon and select the Delete link.
  3. Click the OK button to confirm the deletion of the Module

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More on Modules

See the Canvas Community Guides for more information on Modules.



Article ID: 147644
Mon 11/7/22 11:29 AM
Mon 9/16/24 2:21 PM