Pages store content and educational resources that are part of a course or group and can include text, video, links, images, and files.
The Pages Index
You can view all your pages in your course on the Pages Index Page. You can add new pages, edit and manage page settings as an instructor.
- In Course Navigation, click the Pages link.

- Pages are designed to open to the course's front page if a front page is selected. Click the View All Pages button to select a page from the Pages Index.
- Note: If your course does not yet have a front page, Pages will open to the Pages Index Page.
- The Pages Index displays the individual pages created in Canvas and is where you add new pages, manage pages, and delete pages.
- Your front page is identified with a gray Front Page tag.

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Create a New Page
You can create a new page to add to your course as an instructor. When creating pages, you can set page permissions as to who can edit the page: instructors (teachers), instructors and students, or anyone. You can also add a page to student To Do lists. Pages can be created from the Pages Index or from the Modules area.
If creating from the Pages index, you will also need to add a link to the page on the Modules area using the + button next to the desired module, choose Page from the drop-down menu, and select the desired Page from the list.
From the Modules Area
- From the Modules Index, find the module where you want the Page to display, click on the + button

- Choose Page from the drop-down list, click [ Create Page ], give the page a name and sleect Add Item

- The page will now be created in the Module, click on the page to open it and click Edit to add content to the page.
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From the Pages Index
- From the Pages Index, click on the + Page button.

- Type a name for your page.

- Add links, files, images, and other content using the Rich Content Editor.
- The Rich Content Editor includes a word count display below the bottom right corner of the text box.
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Edit Page Settings

- You can decide who can edit the page by clicking the Users allowed to edit this page drop-down menu [1].
- Options include only teachers, teachers and students, or anyone.
- The Anyone option only applies to users who are enrolled in the course.
- You can add the page to the student to-do list by clicking the Add to student to-do checkbox [2].
- When you add a page to the student's to-do list, the to-do displays in the student's to-do list and the course calendar and students' course sidebar To Do list.
- You can schedule when a page will be published. Enter a date and time in the Publish At field. Your page must be unpublished to schedule a publication date [3].
- You can also notify users that content has changed by clicking the Notify users that this content has changed checkbox [4].
- If you are ready to publish your page, click the Save & Publish button. If you want to create a draft of your page, click the Save button [5].
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Publishing a Page
When Creating a New Page

- If you are ready to publish your page, click the Save & Publish button [1].
- If you want to create a draft of your new page, click the Save button [2].
- Note: If you try to navigate away from a page without saving, you will generate a pop-up warning.
From the Modules Page
- From the Modules Page, hover over the unpublished icon of the page you want to publish.
- The word Publish will display.

- Click on the unpublished icon to turn it int a green check mark, publishing the page.

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From the Pages Index
- From the Pages Index, hover over the unpublished icon of the page you want to publish.
- The word Publish will display.

- Click on the unpublished icon to turn it into a green check mark, publishing the page.

- If you want to unpublish a page, hover your cursor over the published icon, the green check mark, and it will change to an unpublished icon with the word Unpublish displayed.
- Click on the icon to unpublish the page.

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Edit a Page
- To edit a page, click the Page title in the Page Index, or from the Modules Index Page.

- Click on the Edit button.

- Add or edit the content using the Rich Content Editor [1] or switch to the HTML Editor [2].

- To change the editing permissions for the page, click the Users allowed to edit this page drop-down menu [3].
- To add the page to the student's to-do list, click the Add to student to-do checkbox [4].
- You can schedule when a page will be published. Enter a date and time in the Publish At field [5]. Your page must be unpublished to schedule a publication date.
- Place a check in the box next to Notify users that this content has changed if you so choose [6].

- Click the Save button [7].
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Manage Individual Pages
To edit a page, click the name of the page [1].

To manage an individual page, click the page Options icon [2].
Using the Options drop-down menu, you can edit the page name [3], delete the page [4], set any page as your front page [5], duplicate the page [6], send the page to another instructor [7], or copy the page to another course [8].
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Delete a Page
- In Course Navigation, click the Pages link.
- Pages are designed to open to the course's front page if a front page is selected. Click the View All Pages button to select a page from the Pages Index.
- Select the checkbox of the page or pages you want to delete [1]. Then click the Delete button [2].
- Note: You cannot delete a page if it is used as the Front Page for your course [3].
- To confirm the deletion of the selected pages, click the Delete button.
- Note: deleting a page from the Modules Index only deletes the link to that page. The page is still stored in the Pages Index. Delete from the Pages Index if you want to completely remove the page from your course.
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