Table of Contents:
Getting Started with Simple Syllabus
Simple Syllabus is a centralized syllabus repository that allows instructors to easily create and customize their syllabus and link it to their Canvas course. The syllabus is made up of blocks called Components. As faculty build their syllabus, they can decide if they want a particular component to be public or private. Public components allow students and faculty outside of the course to view them, thereby adding to a Stonehill "Syllabus Library." Faculty can import public components into their own Syllabus, for example: if a new faculty member is teaching an established course for the first time, they could import public components from previous versions of the course's syllabus.
Certain components will be automatically entered for you:
- Course title, section, and term.
- Course description that is found in the course catalog.
- Grading Scale provided by the Provost's Office.
- Inclusive Classroom Statement.
- Resources for Mental Health and Well-Being.
- Resources for Academic Support.
- Students with Disabilities Statement.
Faculty can also add their own content such as learning outcomes and expectations, required course materials like textbooks, and other Course Policies. Departments that use specific language across all syllabi can request that language be added to the departmental template. Any edits to a syllabus will be automatically carried over to future versions of that syllabus.
To access Simple Syllabus directly, log into
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Adding Simple Syllabus to a Canvas Course
There are two ways to add a link to your Simple Syllabus in Canvas:
The Simple Syllabus link may already be visible in your course menu. If so, you can use that to access and edit your Simple Syllabus. If the link is not currently visible:
- Access your course and click Settings in the Course Navigation menu.
- Click Navigation from the tabs along the top.
- Find Simple Syllabus in the list of items and Drag and Drop it into the list at the top of the page in the order you prefer.
- Click Save.
To add a link to Simple Syllabus in a Module:
- Access your course and click Modules in the Course Navigation menu.
- Find your desired module and click the + button.
- Select External Tool from the drop-down menu.
- Select Simple Syllabus in the list and click Add Item.
- Remember to Publish the link when you are ready.
Note: using the Canvas Student view to try to view your Simple Syllabus will generate an error. The student view is good for testing native Canvas tools and settings but breaks down when trying to access 3rd party tools and apps.
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Editing a Simple Syllabus
Access your Simple Syllabus by clicking the link you created in your Canvas course. You will be brought into the Simple Syllabus edit mode. The first thing you'll see are four buttons along the top-left side:
- Add: adds a new component to the syllabus.
- Reorder: lets you change the display order of the components.
- Import: lets you browse public components from other syllabi and bring them into your syllabus.
- Preview: lets you see what the syllabus will look like to viewers.

An example of an optional component:

This example component adds the Stonehill Logo to the top of your Syllabus. There are two options at the top: Visible and Public. Each option has a question mark next to it that gives more details. If you feel you don't need a particular component, you can simply toggle the Visible slider to make it Invisible, and that component will not display on the syllabus. The Public slider determines if a component can be viewed by users outside the course. If you don't want a component to be Public, toggle the slider to make it Private.
There is also help text to the right, which offers guidance from the Provost's Office on that particular component.
Finally, if the component is editable, you can simply use the text editor box to add your own content. Any component that is blank will not display on the syllabus. So if there is a component that is not required that an instructor does not add any content to, it will simply not display to students.
An example of a required component:

Notice the Visible option also has a lock next to it, indicating it can not be turned off. The component also has a colored outline around it, with the word Required in the bottom-left. This means the component is required and needs information input from the instructor, in this case their Office Hours and Phone Number.
The Pencil button will allow the instructor to input the necessary information, just click Save when done. The arrows button can be used to move items around within that component, for example if there were multiple instructors in this course you could re-arrange the display order.
When finished editing your syllabus, make sure you scroll to the bottom and click Submit. If the syllabus is missing any required information it will also list this at the bottom of the page. Students will not be able to view the syllabus until it has been submitted.

If you are merging your sections in Canvas, you need to change the setting at the top of your Syllabus from My Students to Campus Community in order for the students in the moved sections to be able to access the syllabus.

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Viewing and Downloading a Simple Syllabus
Once your Simple Syllabus has been submitted, clicking the link to it in your Canvas course will open the syllabus in viewing mode. If you need to make further edits, there is an Edit syllabus button at the top of the page. There is a table of contents on the left that can be used to jump to a specific component. There is also a Student Engagement area at the top of the syllabus where you can see which of your students have viewed the syllabus.

If you want to print or download a PDF copy of the syllabus, click the Print button at the top of the page. You can then use your browser's print or download button to save your copy.
Note: student preview in Canvas does not work with Simple Syllabus. If you try to access it this way you will receive an error.
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