Extron Touch Panel Instructions


Extron Touch Panels are located in D201, D203, D205, D207, D210, MB111, MB214, MB216, MB240, MB246, MB312, MB315, MB317, MB320, MB322


The Touch Panel controls the following in your classroom:

Begin by finding the touch screen control panel next to the instructor podium, and touch anywhere on the screen to start.

Screenshot of the Touch Panel start screen.

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Display the Instructor's PC and Power On the Projector or TV

To display the screen from the instructor's PC on the podium, please:

  1. Turn on the desktop computer located on the podium.
  2. Select the Instructor PC button on the touch panel to power the projector or tv and project the image from the instructor's PC to the video projection screen. 
    Screenshot of the Extgron Touch Panel display with the Instructor PC button highlighted.
  3. If you are using the HyFlex equipment in the classroom, the camera and speakerphone will also be set to work with the Instructor's PC.

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Display the Instructor's Laptop and Power On the Projector or TV

To display the screen from your laptop, please:

  1. Connect your laptop to the HDMI cable on the podium and turn on your laptop. 
  2. Select the Instructor Laptop button on the touch panel to power the projector or TV and project the image from the instructor's laptop to the video projection screen. 
    Screenshot of the Extgron Touch Panel display with the instructor laptop button highlighted.
  3. If you would like to use the HyFlex equipment in the classroom, connect the USB cable on the podium to your laptop, and with the Instructor Laptop button selected, the camera and speakerphone will also be set to work with the Instructor Laptop.

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Control Room Volume

To adjust the volume in the room: 

  1. Make sure the volume is raised on the Instructor's PC or Instructor's Laptop, depending on your input. 
  2. Locate the Program Value controls on the touch panel [1].
    Screenshot of the Touch Panel with the Volume controls highlighted.
  3. Touch the volume up button [2] to raise the volume, touch the volume down button [3] to lower the volume, and touch the Mute button [4] to mute all computer audio in the room.

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Control HyFlex Equipment

HyFlex rooms are outfitted with technology for remote instruction and lecture capture. Each HyFlex room has a pan/tilt/zoom camera and a speakerphone.

Laptop Users 

If you are using the camera and speakerphone with your laptop, you will first need to connect the USB cable on the podium to your laptops USB port, connecting your computer to the HyFlex room equipment.

All Users

Before logging into Zoom or Panopto, select whether you're using the Instructor's PC or a Laptop via the Touch Panel, and the HyFlex equipment will be available to the device you selected. 

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Turn the Video Projector or TV Off

At the end of your class, please turn the video projector or TV off by doing the following:

  1. Touch the Shut Down button.
    Screenshot of the Touch Panel screen with the Shut Down button highlighted.
  2. Touch the Yes button to confirm the system shutdown.
    Screenshot of the Touch Panel screen with the Shut Down button already selected and the Yes button highlighted.

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