Media Service Charges for Events


The Department of Information Technology charges a fee for media support for events requiring complex technology, covering setup, takedown, and staffing costs.


The Department of Information Technology processes a fee for media support for some events held on campus with technology requirements. The internal fee covers the cost of setup and takedown of equipment, such as video, microphones and podiums, that are provided by professional staff and trained student employees and for staffing events that require complex technology configurations and sound engineering. The fee also covers supplies (gaffer tape, batteries, etc.) required for events and a variety of costs related to maintaining audio visual equipment.

The Media Service fee will be charged for requested support needs for certain events sponsored by student organizations, departmental events/ceremonies and external groups and will be directly expensed to the organization budget or invoiced by Conference and Events.

Which events do not have fees?

Many events can be held without media support and therefore do not have fees associated with them. Examples include:

  • Events that use spaces that are essentially self-service (e.g. MB 103, classrooms, conference rooms)

  • Events that use the current setup in a space and need only the podium, microphone, and basic projection (e.g. the standard setup in the McCarthy auditorium)

Media staff often check on spaces prior to an event and will meet with event planners in advance of an event to show them how to use the equipment on request for no additional fee.

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Which events do have fees?

Events that require media staff to provide support before, during, and after the event have fees associated with them. Examples of events that typically require support include: 

  • Events that use multiple microphones or sound sources.

  • Events that require cameras or someone to switch between multiple video sources to be displayed on screens.

  • Events that require equipment to be set up (such as those in the Field House) or additional equipment (such as adding microphones to a space or setting up a podium and microphone outside).

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How do the fees work?

Event organizers will be informed of media support fees when IT staff are notified of the support request for the event. If you have any questions about the cost for an event, please contact Mike Pietrowski or Scott Hamlin.

The typical fee for technician setup, takedown, and event support is $100 for 4-hour minimum coverage. Technician support over the initial 4 hours is charged in one-hour increments at $25 per hour.

Large full or multi-day events and events held in several different locations will be charged a per hour fee for technician support.

In addition, events may be charged for additional costs based on complexity of an event, such as external equipment rentals and any outside services required for an event, including those requiring a recording or live streaming. Event coordinators should work with Mike Pietrowski prior to the event to determine needs and costs for their event.

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Article ID: 161866
Wed 10/2/24 10:28 AM
Wed 12/4/24 4:13 PM