Using Degree Audit


This article will provide navigation instruction to myAudit for Advisors.


This article will provide navigation instruction to myAudit for Advisors.

1. Login to myHill.

2. Select myAudit under Student Information on the right.

3. Then click on the myAudit button under Degree Works:

MyAudit is a simple-to-use tool which displays a students major requirements, the classes they've taken, and the classes their planning to take in the future. It also makes it easy to see what it would look like if they chose to change their major. Find a student by either typing in their ID number in the Student ID field, or search for a student using the find button on the left:

In the pop-up box that appears after your click "Find", type in all or part of the student's name in the appropriate fields, click the search button, select the desired student from the list, and click OK.


In the Worksheets tab, you can can scroll down to see how far the student has progressed to completing their major, including what classes they have completed and which they have yet to take. A green check means they have completed that course, a blue wavy line means they are currently taking that course, and a red box means they have not completed that course.

If a student is interested in changing their major, go to the What If tab on the left side to see what they would need to do to graduate.

Select the majors and minors they wish to change to, and click the "Process What-If" button. MyAudit will display which courses they have completed for the desired course of study, and which courses they need to take.






Article ID: 31948
Tue 6/13/17 2:32 PM
Mon 7/15/24 10:09 AM