Make sure your personal addresses and phone numbers are up to date in myHill.
Use the appropriate shortcut to open the steps for editing addresses or phone numbers from the list below.
1. Login to myHill.
2. Select Employee Profile located above the bold line on the right.

- Click the My Profile button.
- Click the pencil symbol on the right side within either of the Addresses or the Phones sections. The Personal Information page will open.
3. Within the Address section, click the pencil icon under the Permanent/Legal address type to change your home address. The Edit Address menu will be displayed.

4. If necessary, update your address by typing over your existing information in the Edit Address menu and click Update. Do not change the dates in the Valid From and Until This Date fields.

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1. Login to myHill.
2. Select Employee Profile located above the bold line on the right.

- Click the My Profile button.
- Click the pencil symbol on the right side within either of the Addresses or the Phones sections. The Personal Information page will open.
3. The home phone, or "land line" for your address should be entered into the Permanent/Legal field found within the Phone Number section. Click the pencil icon under the Permanent/Legal phone number type.

4. The Edit Phone Number menu will appear. Enter the area code and phone number in their appropriate boxes. Do not include dashes '-'. When finished, click Update.

5. To enter your cell phone number, repeat the above process for the Cellular Phone Type. If no Cellular number is saved, you can use the Add New button in the top right of the section and choose the Cellular Phone Type from the drop down. Again, do not include dashes '-'.

- The Cellular phone type is used as your request to receive text message alerts to your cell phone using the Hill Alert system. The most recently updated phone number of type Cellular will receive Hill Alerts.
- For more information on receiving Hill Alerts, please refer to the Employee section of the How to Enroll to Receive Hill Alerts Knowledge Base article.
6. Now you can continue to modify another address/phone, navigate back to Employee Profile, or close the browser tab.
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