The College requires that you change your password every 180 days using the Password Change Service. Below are some steps you may need to take immediately after changing your Stonehill password.
What to do:
- To avoid lockouts, update all of the mobile devices that you use to connect to hillspot and your Stonehill email account immediately after changing your password. This includes all macOS devices, as well as smartphones (iPhone, Android, Windows phone), iPads, tablets, laptops, eReaders, etc.
- For mobile devices, you can simply remove the hillspot network and re-add it with your new password.
- Failure to update your password immediately could result in your account being locked out of your Stonehill account and unable to login to computers on campus, myHill, email, or Canvas, since your devices will try continually to log on with your old password, locking your account after multiple unsuccessful login attempts.
If you have an Apple computer:
Create a new login keychain, if necessary:
After changing your password and logging back into your account, you might see an alert that the system was unable to unlock your login keychain. This is expected because the passwords for your user account and login keychain no longer match. Just click the Create New Keychain button in the alert.
If you didn't see an alert about your login keychain, or you see other messages asking for your old password, reset your keychain manually:
- Open Keychain Access, which is in the Utilities folder of your Applications folder.
- Click on the Keychain Access menu and select Preferences, then click the Reset My Default Keychain button in the preferences window. After you enter your new password, Keychain Access creates an empty login keychain with no password. Click OK to confirm.
- If you don't see a Reset My Default Keychain button, close the preferences window and select the Login keychain from the left side of the Keychain Access window. Press the Delete key, then click Delete References.
- Choose Log Out from the Apple menu to return to the login screen.
- Log in to your account using your new password. Your account password and login keychain password now match again.