Printing Rules for Students


These printing rules for students encourage efficient use of College resources and aid our sustainability initiative to reduce paper use.


The following printing rules for students encourage efficient use of College resources and aid our sustainability initiative to reduce paper use.

  • The use of Stonehill College print resources to meet the needs of an off-campus organization is not permitted, including but not limited to organizations providing an off-campus job, internship, practicum, or student teaching assignment. While individual printing for personal academic use to fulfill these responsibilities is allowable, students should print or copy large jobs required by the organization at their off-campus site.
  • Those enrolled in Graphics Design and Photography courses are permitted to use the specialized printers in those labs for their course requirements only.
  • Printing for an on-campus job, club or organization may be done on a campus printer. However, large volume printing should be discussed with a supervisor, club advisor, or Student Activities staff. 
  • Students are permitted to use the public printers available from Mobility Print that are close to faculty and staff office areas.  If faculty or staff are waiting, students should limit print volume and allow those waiting to print ahead of them.
  • Student facing printers have a restriction to only allow a maximum of 50 pages per print job.



Article ID: 41716
Tue 10/31/17 4:55 PM
Wed 11/6/24 9:49 AM