Editing Automatic Captions
All recordings uploaded to Panopto will be automatically captioned using Panopto's Automatic Machine Captions. The captions will usually be added a few hours after the recording has been uploaded. The automatic captions do a fairly decent job, but can have trouble with proper names or faster speakers. You can manually edit the automatic captions using the following steps:
- Find the session where you wish to manage the captions, hover over it and click Edit to open the Panopto Editor.
- Select Captions from the left side of the editor, you will see the current captions each with its timestamp.
- You can edit captions by clicking in any block of text, edit as needed, and click Enter on your keyboard.
- If you need to edit the timestamp duration, hover over the block of text and click the three dots that appear, then select Edit.

- You can completely delete the caption by clicking the trash can icon.
- Once you've edited your captions, commit the changes by pressing the Apply button on the top right of the Editor.