Flo-Tech Support Portal - A Step-By-Step Guide


Information on using the Flo-Tech Portal to manage supplies and service calls.


This page contains information on using the Flo-Tech Portal to manage supplies and service calls can be found below. Department contacts that would like to have access to the portal should contact the IT Service Desk at 508-565-1111 or service-desk@stonehill.edu

Table of contents

Login & dashboard

  1. Once you create your password from the link that was sent, you will be brought to the login page.
    Flo-Tech portal login screen.
  2. Once logged in, you will be on the main dashboard. This will show you open service requests, open toner orders, and a listing of all locations with device counts at each.

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Placing a toner request

  1. When placing an order, click on Order Products
    Screenshot of toolbar with Order Products selected.
  2.  You will enter either the tag of the device or the serial number of the device in the search field or in Product Name you can enter the part number (first 4 digits).
    Screenshot of search screen.
  3. This will automatically bring up the correct toner for the device for you to choose and add to your cart.
    Toner options screen with arrow pointing to Add to Cart button.
  4. You can checkout by choosing your ship to address in the drop-down on the left and filling in the ship to attention information, adding your email, and click the Place Order button.
    Checkout screen with arrows pointing to various fields.
  5. Once you are done choosing toner and adding to your cart, you will click on the Cart at the top right and choose the Checkout button.
    Shopping cart with arrow pointing to Checkout button.

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Placing a service request

  1. To place a service call, click on Request Service at the top of the screen. Then, enter the tag of your device or the serial number in the equipment search field. If you cannot find your device information, you can hit Can’t find your device? and a form will come up to fill in the appropriate information.
    Request Service tab selected and arrows point to search field and Click here button.
  2. If you have the serial number or tag, the form will automatically open to enter in Primary Symptom, Description, Contact Information, and phone number. Once completed, click the Submit button at the bottom and a confirmation number will appear for your service call.
    New service request window with arrows pointing to various fields.

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Looking up past orders

  1. At the top of the screen, click on Orders and you will be able to see the orders in the last month.
    Toolbar with Orders tab selected.
  2. By using the drop-down next to order(s) placed in, you will be able to see further back (30, 60, 90, or all-time) into your account.
    Your Orders screen with arrow pointing toward the "order(s) placed in" drop-down menu.

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Looking up past service requests

  1. At the top of the screen, click on Requests and you will be able to see the Service Requests in the last month.
    Toolbar with Requests tab selected.
  2. By using the drop-down next to request(s) placed in you will be able to see further back (30, 60, 90 or all time) into your account.
    Your Service Requests screen.

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Looking up devices

  1. At the top of the screen, click on “Devices” and you will be able to see the devices associated with your account.
  2. You can sort by location, search for a specific device, see if covered under contract, and from here you can also request toner for a device or place a service call.

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Article ID: 140577
Wed 1/12/22 9:39 AM
Wed 12/4/24 12:55 PM