Notifications in Canvas

Canvas includes a set of default notification settings you can receive for your account and individual courses. Notifications are sent to Canvas contact methods as specified in your account. However, you can change the default settings by setting your own notification settings.

Please note that these settings only apply to you; they are not used to control how course updates are sent to other users.

View the Canvas Notifications resource document to learn more about each notification, default settings, and notification triggers.

Open Notifications

In Global Navigation, click the Account tab [1], then click the Notifications link [2].

Screenshot of how to access Notification settings in Canvas.

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View Account Notification Settings

On the Notification Settings page, you can manage notification settings for your Canvas account and/or manage notification settings for individual courses using the Settings for the dropdown menu.

By default, the Settings for dropdown displays the Account option [1]. A banner displays stating account-level notification settings apply to all of your Canvas courses, however, any course-specific notification settings override account notification settings [2]. To dismiss the message, click the Close icon [3].

Screenshot of the Account Notifications screen in Canvas.

A banner displays when daily and weekly messages are delivered [4]. To dismiss the message, click the Close icon [5].

View account-level notification types [6] and your listed contact methods [7].

Each notification has a default delivery frequency preference. Hover over the notification icon to view the current notification delivery frequency for a notification type and contact method [8].

Note: if you haven't installed the Canvas mobile app, you may not see the Push Notification column.

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View Notification Details

To view details for a notification, hover over the notification name.

Screenshot of Notification Details in Canvas.

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Notification Types

Notifications are sent as one of four delivery types: Notify immediately, Daily Summary, Weekly Summary, or Notifications Off. If you change a setting, the change is made immediately to your account. 

  • Notifications Off setting will not send any notifications. 
  • Daily Summary notifications may vary among users, but typically are scheduled to be delivered around 6pm in the user’s set time zone.
  • Weekly Summary notifications vary among users. 
  • Notify immediately notifications may be delayed by up to one hour.
    • To prevent users from being spammed by multiple notifications quickly, the following notifications may be temporarily held in case an instructor makes additional changes. The notification and approximate time delay are listed below:
      • Alerts
        • Content Link Error: 2 minutes
      • Course Activities
        • Due Date: 5 minutes
        • Files: 5 minutes
      • Course Content
        • Assignment Changed: 30 minutes
        • Page Updated: 15 minutes
      • Grading
        • Automatically Graded Assignment: 15 minutes
        • Manually Graded Submission: 60 minutes
        • Submission Grade Change: 5 minutes
      • Scheduling
        • Calendar Event Date Changed: 15 minutes

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