Edit Your Profile in Canvas

Profiles allow you to update your name, preferred contact methods, and any personal links for your account. All users in your courses can view your profile information.

Edit Your Profile 

In Global Navigation, click the Account tab [1], then click the Profile link [2].
Screenshot of the Account menu with Profile option selected.

  1. On your Profile page, click the three dots [3] and select Edit Profile [4] from the drop-down menu.
    Screenshot of the Profile edit page in Canvas, with the three dots and Edit Profile option selected.


Add a Profile Picture

  1. To upload a profile picture, hover the cursor over the profile picture icon, and click the Edit Pencil icon that displays.
  2. On the Select Profile Picture window, you can choose to:

Upload a Picture

  1. To upload a new profile picture, click the Upload a Picture tab [1], then click the choose a picture link [2].
    Screenshot of the Select Profile Picture screen with the "Upload a Picture" button and "Choose a picture" options selected.
    1. You can also drag a picture from your desktop and drop it into the uploader [3].
  2. Find the image you want to upload [4] and click the Open or Browse button [5].
    Screenshot of a Windows Explorer window with the Desktop selected and a file chosen. The Open button is also highlighted.
  3. Use the selection boxes to crop your image [6]. When you are finished, click the Save button [7].
    Screeshot of using the selection boxes to crop your profile image.

Note: Canvas will automatically store a copy of the saved profile picture in your personal files. When a new picture is saved in your profile, the new picture will override the existing picture file in your personal files.

Take a Picture

  1. To take a picture to use as your profile picture, click the Take a Picture tab, then click the Take Picture button.
    • Note: Depending on your browser, you may need to allow Canvas to access your camera. The Take a Picture option is not supported when using Safari or Internet Explorer.
  2. To take another picture, click the Retry button.
  3. When you are finished, click the Save button.

Edit Biography

  1. Type your biography in the Biography field. You can add hobbies and interesting facts about yourself.
    Screenshot of the Biography field.
  2. When you are finished, click the Save button.

Edit Links

  1. To add personal links to your profile, such as personal websites, blogs, or portfolios, enter the title of the link in the title field [1].
    Screenshot of the Editable Links section of the Canvas profile.
  2. Type the URL in the URL field [2]. Click the remove icon to delete the link [3].
  3. Click the Add another link button to add another link [4].
  4. When you are finished, click the Save button.


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Article ID: 148767
Mon 1/23/23 3:08 PM
Mon 9/16/24 4:33 PM