Hill Card Photo ID Upload

To upload a photo for your Hillcard ID, navigate to myHill and select the Hill Card button under the Applications & Resources heading.

Or, navigate your browser to www.stonehill.edu/managemyhillcard and click on the Click here to login hyperlink under Manage My Hillcard.

If required, enter your email address and password to authenticate to Office 365. If you already have a browser session authenticated to Office 365, you may not be required to provide credentials to access your Hillcard portal.

Your browser will open the Account Overview for your Hillcard. Navigate to the Upload Photo ID link on the right side of the page under Quick Links.

Click on the Choose File button under Upload ID Photo. Select a file from your computer which matches the criteria given in the Hillcard Photo Requirements Page.  

PLEASE NOTE: The photo can be no larger than 1mb in size.  Many professional photos are taken at high resolution.  If you receive a "Page not found" error during upload of your photo, resize the photo or save at a lower resolution.

Once you have selected a photo, press the Upload button to submit the photo to the system. Campus Police will review and approve the photo. If the photo is not satisfactory, you will receive a notice from Campus Police requesting a new photo be submitted.

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