Media Support Guidelines for Event Planners


These guidelines are for event planners at Stonehill who need support from Media Technology Services for an event. Please see IT's Meeting and Event Service on the web for more information about what your request might entail.


The following guidelines are for event planners at Stonehill who need support from Media Technology Services for an event. Please see IT's Meeting and Event Support Service for more information about what your request might entail.

Choosing a Date and Time for an Event

It is important that event planners choose an appropriate date and time for an event, especially if it is a larger one that requires extensive set-up and take-down time and if it requires staffing. In cases where events are scheduled too close to others on campus, it may not be possible to set up the appropriate equipment in time. In cases where too many events are scheduled at the same time, extra staff from outside the college will need to be hired and event planners will be responsible for those costs. Consult 25Live or with Conference and Event Services to choose a time that does not overlap with too many other events on campus and is not too close in proximity in time to another event in the same space.

Please keep in mind that the following college events always take precedence for Media Support over other events:

  • Stonehill’s Official Opening Weekend Events
  • Convocation
  • Commencement Weekend Events
  • Board of Trustees Meetings
  • President’s Dinner
  • Alumni Weekend Events
  • Admissions Programs (Open Houses, etc.)
  • Dedications
  • President’s Office Events (such as Town Meeting)
  • Advancement Office Special Events (such as Scholarship Dinners or Capital Campaign Events)

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Choosing a Location for an Event

Be sure to choose an appropriate space for your event. Not all spaces have the same capabilities; to avoid rental fees for extra equipment, choose a location with appropriate AV equipment. Consult the descriptions of spaces in 25Live or with Conference and Events Services to better understand an event space’s capabilities and limitations. Consider the following:

  1. Will you be showing a presentation or content like a video from a computer? If so, choose a space with a projector and screen.
  2. Are microphones required? If so, how many? Be sure to choose a space that supports the required number of microphones.

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Scheduling a Date for an Event

Event Planners must schedule the date(s) and location(s) for their event through Conference and Events Services. The reservation should include locations and times for the actual performance or event, as well as any rehearsals, set-up, and take-down times. For larger events, event planners should allow for set-up at least two days prior to the event or first rehearsal and reserve the space accordingly. If event planners need advice on how best to schedule dates for an event, they should contact Conference and Events Services.

Deadlines for Large-Scale Events

Larger events such as those held in the Sally Blair Ames Field House, the Pettit Auditorium, the McCarthy Auditorium, Alumni Hall Auditorium, the Meehan Great Room, the Meehan Team-Based Learning Room, Alumni Hall Auditorium, or the Martin Auditorium are required to be scheduled at least 30 days in advance with Conference and Events Services. If possible, they should be scheduled several months in advance. Examples of events like this include the Stonehill Musical Theater Production, Open Houses, Graduation, awards dinners, and concerts.

If a request for a large-scale event comes in with less than 30 days’ notice, the event planner will need to contact the Director of Media Technology or the Director of Educational Technology and Support Services to request an exception. If an exception is granted, it is likely that the event will require extra staffing and rental equipment. Expenses related to these needs are the responsibility of the event planners.

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Deadlines for Medium-Scale Events, Small-Scale Events, and Video Production

For medium-sized events such as those that occur in larger events spaces but do not require extra equipment or staff, event planners should request media support at least 14 days in advance. The event planner will need to contact the Director of Media Technology or the Director of Educational Technology and Support Services to request an exception to the 14 days.

Small scale events such as those that only require a standard podium and microphone to be set up in advance require 7 days’ notice.

Any event that involves recording or streaming the event, requires at least 10 days' advanced notice. Please see the Video Recording and Streaming Service for more details. Please note that recording or streaming an event has fees associated with it.

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Equipment Rental and Outside Staffing

If any equipment needs to be rented or if an event requires extra staffing, the Director of Media Technology Services will contact a vendor to determine costs and then communicate with the event coordinators about those costs. If the event coordinators agree to renting the equipment or extra staffing for an event, they are responsible for these costs.

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Media Support Planning Meetings

First Meeting

Conference and Events Services will notify IT about a scheduled event, and soon after the Director of Media Technology will reach out to the event planners to schedule a meeting to discuss support needs. Smaller events may not require a meeting. For medium-sized events, it should take place at least a week in advance. For larger events, this first meeting should take place 1-2 months prior to the event. The need for staff support and equipment will be the main topic for this meeting.

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Second Meeting (for Large Events Only)

For larger events, the event coordinator meets a second time with the Director of Media Technology. This should be 2-4 weeks prior to the event. The meeting will include the following topics: 

  • Reviewing and refining audiovisual needs, as well as establishing the number of Media Technology assistants required and their hours
  • Reviewing the schedule leading up to and during the event and establishing deadlines
  • Reviewing an event script (provided by the event planners) detailing what happens when
  • Reviewing and finalizing any rental equipment or hiring extra staff

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Final Review Meeting (For Large Events Only)

For larger events, a final review meeting is held one week prior to the event to finalize all aspects of support. The finalized plan can be adjusted or changed up to 72 hours prior to the event. After 72 hours, changes can no longer be made. Event organizers with large-scale programs must provide Media Technology with a finalized script for the event at least 72 hours prior to the event.

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Rehearsals and the Event Itself

For larger events that require rehearsals: Evening rehearsals should start no earlier than 6 PM and end no later than 11 PM. Extra hours are not permitted unless agreed upon mutually by the event organizer and the Director of Media Technology. 

Once established, deadlines and schedules must be adhered to. For example, if Media Technology employees are scheduled to work until 10pm for an event or rehearsal, they will stop working at 10 pm. 

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A Note about Outside Groups

Groups that are not affiliated with Stonehill and who schedule their events through CESO can make use of existing equipment in event spaces. Events should be booked using the same guidelines as Stonehill events. CESO will coordinate and send a representative to planning meetings with the event planners and the Director of Media Technology. Media staff will ensure that technology is set up in spaces before the event. Any outside group that requires media staff to support their events should expect to pay for that staffing.

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Article ID: 95539
Thu 1/9/20 4:02 PM
Tue 11/19/24 4:12 PM

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