Retention of Teams and O365 Groups

We encourage the owner of a Group or Team to delete it if it is no longer useful.  Prior to deletion, you should move documents and other items that you want to preserve to another online location.

Retention process

Beginning October 1, 2021, an automated expiration process will be used to clean up Groups and Teams that are not active.  The process will notify owners about the impending removal of Groups and Teams that have not had activity in at least 1 year from their creation date.  Those that have had activity will be automatically retained without notification. 

What qualifies as "activity"

Any of the following actions over the course of a year will be considered "activity". 

  • View, edit, download, move, share, or upload files in the associated document library. 

  • Join group, read or write group message from within the group, and like a message. 

  • Visit a Teams channel. 

Communications of expiration

Notifications will be sent out to the owners of Groups or Teams in the following intervals before the noted expiration date: 30 days, 15 days, 1 day.  A sample notification is shown below.   

The owner receiving the notification should click on “Renew group” to keep the Group or Team.  A browser will open in the website and you will be prompted to click Yes or No to renew the group 


Click Yes to renew the group.  Click No to allow the group to expire.   Alternatively, the owner may click on “delete it now” at the bottom of the message to remove the group immediately. 


O365 Groups and Teams that are not renewed will be deleted on the noted expiration date.  They are recoverable for up to 30 days after deletion by request to  

Once deleted, all associated information stored within the O365 Group, Group Mailbox, Team, SharePoint document  libraries  will also be deleted.  

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