Topics include how to manage and participate in a Team and features related to being part of a Team in Teams.

Articles (5)

Retention of Teams and O365 Groups

Unused groups and Teams will expire every 365 days based on their date of creation. Group owners will be notified via email and Team owners will be notified via email as well as in the activity section of the Team. Owners will be prompted 30, 15, and 1 day prior to expiration and will have the ability to renew the account.

Adding & Inviting Team Members

Add team members to your team or share a unique code that allows users to join themselves.

Communicating with Teams

Find out about the various communication tools available in Microsoft Teams.

Working with Files in Microsoft Teams

Store all the files your team is working on in one place.

Managing a Team

Here are some recommendations to customize your Microsoft Team so that it works for you!