This article will provide navigation instruction for advisors to access information about, and contact their advisees.
Advisee List and Email
1. Login to myHill.
2. Select Advisee List and Email under Student Information on the right.

3. Select a term for viewing and click the Submit button.
You will see a list of current advisees with their name, ID numbers, Alternate PIN numbers, and several other links.
- The hyperlink for the student's name will take you to View Student Addresses and Phone numbers page.
- The Student Information link will display General Student Information including major, minor and expected graduation date.
- From the General Student Information page, you can also select a link to view the Student Schedule.
- You can also use other links to view the holds and unofficial transcript.
- Select the camera icon to view a photo of your advisee.
- Select the email icon to email and individual student, or scroll to the bottom of the page to select an option to email your entire advisee list.
In normal circumstances, you would probably use Outlook within Office 365 to email your class (
Advisee Grade Summary
1. Login to myHill.
2. Select Student Profile under Student Information on the right.

3. Select a term to search a specific student or select the View My Advisee Listing link to choose from a list.
- From the Advisee Listing page, you can select the View Profile link under Name and ID of the student you wish to view.
4. Once you reach the student's profile, select View Mid Semester & Final Grades under the Additional Links menu on the left.

5. On the View Grades page, select a term and level from the two drop downs to display the grades.