Stonehill maintains a small number of Zoom licenses for Graduate and Professional Studies programs. If you are not teaching in this program, see our Using Teams in Canvas article.
Before using your Zoom link in Canvas, you must activate your Stonehill Zoom account by signing into the Stonehill Zoom portal.
Using the Zoom integration, faculty can set up Zoom class meetings inside of a Canvas course. Students can then visit their Canvas course(s) to find the links to participate in live synchronous class sessions and access past Zoom class session recordings if the instructor has recorded them.
Create an Online Classroom
- Click on the "Zoom" menu item (in your Canvas course left navigation) to launch the Zoom interface inside of your Canvas course.
- From within the Zoom interface, click on "Schedule a New Meeting" and enter the meeting details, date, time, and duration of your class session.
- Check the Recurring meeting checkbox.
- Under the Recurrence drop-down menu select NoFixed Time.

- Under the Security options, leave the Passcode checked (you can specify a password or leave the default randomly generated password) and uncheck the Waiting Room option.
- Check Enable join before host if you would like students to be able to join the meeting before you, or use it outside of class time. Check Mute participants upon entry.

- Click the Save button
A NoFixed Time classroom will allow you and your students to have one link to meet for class each week and for students to meet outside of regular class time. A weekly recurring meeting would create separate links for each scheduled class. So if you had a M W F class schedule over a 15-week semester, 45 different zoom meetings would be created, which would likely cause confusion rather than having the one NoFixed Time link.
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Create a Meeting for Online Office Hours
To set up Online Office Hours these are the recommended settings.
- Go to and select Sign in.
- Click the Meetings tab and select Schedule a new meeting.
- Check the Recurring meeting checkbox.
- Under the Recurrence drop-down menu, select NoFixed Time.
- Under the Security options, leave the Passcode option enabled (specify a password or leave the default randomly generated password).
- Leave the Waiting Room enabled and click the Save button.

Enabling a waiting room will allow you to meet with students individually during your scheduled office hours when you are ready to let them into the room. It also prevents other students from joining the room mid-meeting. You will be alerted in your Zoom meeting if you have users in the waiting room.
Once your meeting is created, you will have the option to copy the invitation, which you can then email to students or post the link in each of your courses for student access.
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Viewing Zoom Cloud Recordings
When you record your Canvas Zoom meetings in the cloud, they will automatically be visible to you, and the students enrolled in the course. The recordings will stay in the Zoom cloud for 150 days, at which point they will be put in the Zoom trash folder. An item in the trash folder can be recovered within 30 days, at which point it will be permanently deleted.
- Enter your desired course and click on the Zoom menu item.
- Click on the Cloud Recordings tab. Any recordings of class meetings will be listed here. Click on your desired meeting name.
- You will usually see two files listed: a full recording and an audio-only recording. Click the Play button in the center of the thumbnail you wish to view. By default, recordings are password protected. Clicking the play button should signal that the Passcode has been copied to your clipboard, and a new window will open. Paste the passcode into the field and click Watch Recording.
- Instructors in a course can also use the Download button underneath the thumbnails to download the recordings if desired. By default, students do not have the download option.
- Alternatively, you can sign into and click Recordings from the left-hand menu to see all of your Zoom Cloud recordings. Click the name of your meeting and use the Play button on the video thumbnail to view the recording.
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