Conference Call Setup

Follow the steps below to set up a Conference Call.

  1. Navigate to
  2. Under the Personal Identification Number (PIN), click on the Sign In link.
  3. On the SIgn In page, enter your username as domain\username in the User name field.
    • For example, user John O'Donnellson with username jodonnellson will enter his username as stonehill\jodonnellson in this field.
  4. Enter your Stonehill password into the Password field and click the Sign In button.
  5. Under the Assigned Conference Information section, you will find the Conference ID number and the Meeting URL to share with your conference call attendees. 
  6. Under the Conference Dial-In Numbers, you will find the Stonehill phone number for dialing into the conference call. 
  7. Alternatively, as the Call Leader, you can dial into the Conference Call using your assigned information and manually add callers by dialing them.



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