Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

Multi-factor authentication (MFA) requires the use of more than one verification method and adds a second layer of security to user sign-ins through Office 365 services. By using additional verification methods, Multi-factor authentication allows you to ‘trust’ a device after verifying your login through Office 365 services. This means that even if a malicious actor already knows your password, they can't sign in to Office 365 services as you without your approval.

Logging in with Multi-factor Authentication

Once MFA is set up for your account (required upon first sign-in to any Office 365 service or software), you will see a prompt to confirm your verification when signing into Office 365 services and entering your password:

If you are using a Mobile Device, the additional authentication process largely depends on the type of device that you’re using, and if that app supports the newer, more secure, Modern Authentication protocol.

Note:  Your device will not be prompted for additional verification if you are connected to hillspot, guest, or on a wired connection on campus. However, MFA will take effect when you are off-campus, or using a mobile data connection on your smartphone to access Office 365 services.

More Information

Verification Methods

There are various methods of verification that you can choose from after Multi-factor Authentication is set up. You can add the following verification methods:

  • Microsoft Authenticator (Number Verification)
  • Phone call
  • Text message
  • Email Address (Password Reset only)

If you would like to add or change methods for verification, please see the article on Adding or Changing Verification Methods for Authentication

Note: If you are an employee, you may see your extension in the "Office Phone" field.  This setting is not editable and will not work as a verification method.
Third-party authenticator apps: While we don't (currently) actively block third-party authenticator apps, be advised that they are unsupported, IT can't manage them, and if something goes wrong with them the only way we'd be able to help is by wiping your authentication methods entirely and requiring you to re-set them up from scratch on supported methods, which could be an inconvenience. So if you plan to use a third-party authenticator, just be advised that it may indeed work, but you'd be on your own with it if so.


For additional information, see our FAQ article.

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